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Full Version: Slogan?
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Pages: 1 2 3 4
(2010-08-03, 02:05 AM)Mark.M Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-08-03, 02:03 AM)Ryan Gordon Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-08-03, 02:01 AM)N.Malcolm Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-08-03, 01:57 AM)Ryan Gordon Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-08-03, 01:33 AM)N.Malcolm Wrote: [ -> ]I think we need to americanize it a bit.

How about, "We spit on vBulletin!" or something like that.

That is epic! Thanks for making my day

Your very welcome.

Please bare in mind that I am a little tipsy right now, so anything I said i probably won't remember. lol

So you got drunk for the MyBB 1.6 release? lol

Some people get very happy.

Lol! Omg thats just funny xD
(2010-08-03, 02:03 AM)Ryan Gordon Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-08-03, 02:01 AM)N.Malcolm Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-08-03, 01:57 AM)Ryan Gordon Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-08-03, 01:33 AM)N.Malcolm Wrote: [ -> ]I think we need to americanize it a bit.

How about, "We spit on vBulletin!" or something like that.

That is epic! Thanks for making my day

Your very welcome.

Please bare in mind that I am a little tipsy right now, so anything I said i probably won't remember. lol

So you got drunk for the MyBB 1.6 release? lol

Yup. I don't dare think about what I'll do when 2.0 is released.
^ rofl i can just imagine XD
I made a cake! Smile
(2010-08-03, 02:12 AM)Aprion Wrote: [ -> ]I made a cake! Smile

I ate the cake!
I burnt the cake!
I made the worlds biggest cake.
* Trinit thinks that it wasn't a cake.. Big Grin
(2010-08-03, 07:25 PM)Trinit Wrote: [ -> ]* Trinit thinks that it wasn't a cake.. Big Grin

* Aprion wonders what Trinit thought it was...
(2010-08-03, 01:13 AM)Ryan Gordon Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-08-03, 12:41 AM)magicstuff Wrote: [ -> ]I don't really understand that slogan.

"Free never tasted so good" implies that MyBB is a food :p

Are you implying that MyBB doesn't taste good?!?! Smile

I've never tried to eat mybb personally, I don't want to take a bite out of my hard disk :p
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