MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: TV links are missing
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After upgraded 1.4.13 to 1.6 then the tv links (youtube, myspace etc...) are gone. To make sure what i mean, here is a picture:

[Image: Untitled.jpg]

How can i fix this problem?


Could you please provide me with a link to your board?

And try reverting your themes templates.

Reverting doesen't help.

Link to the forum:

More ideas?
Went back to 1.4.14
Im not sure. Sorry.
Did you upload all the new language and javascript files?? Going back to 1.4.14 wasn't necessary, you just had some files that hadn't been updated.
I think that is language problem.
(2010-08-09, 12:20 AM)mrl586 Wrote: [ -> ]I think that is language problem.

That is the problem. Went back to englis and it solved the problem. Thanks!