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Full Version: These type of error being sent to email from mybb
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I think But not sure this is cause of the simple tag clould plugin which is still Deactivated but if its not running not sure why I get this error

Your copy of MyBB running on Howman's Forum A site for communicating and sharing of images, video, And More. ( has experienced an error. Details of the error include:
Type: 20
File: (Line no. 0)
SQL Error: 1054 - Unknown column 'mybb_threads.tag' in 'field list'
Query: SELECT mybb_threads.fid, mybb_threads.tid, mybb_threads.firstpost, mybb_threads.tag, mybb_threads.subject,
mybb_forumpermissions.canview, mybb_posts.message, mybb_posts.uid, mybb_posts.username,
mybb_threads LEFT JOIN mybb_posts ON mybb_threads.firstpost =
LEFT JOIN mybb_forumpermissions ON mybb_forumpermissions.canview = 0
( MATCH (mybb_threads.tag) AGAINST (',game,' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND mybb_posts.message != '')