MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Upgrade totaled my entire forum :I
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[Image: 2d0xk49.jpg]

This is on the default MyBB Skin with custom images, thats it :I
How can I fix this?
Have you tried reverting the templates?
Did so, still didnt work so I had to re-install my entire theme and now i have to edit so much stuff again Confused
Do you still have your old theme? It appears your style sheet is missing. Can you set the theme back to your old theme and give us a link so we can try and work out whats happening.

Did you edit your css files directly from the filesystem or did you use the editor in the ACP?

If you edited the CSS directly please run the following steps:
1) Get a backup of your old CSS (hopefully you took one)
2) Go to the ACP -> Templates & Themes -> Themes -> *Your theme* -> Edit and into the "Advanced Mode"
3) Delete all the CSS in the input box
4) Copy and paste all of your old CSS into the input box
5) Save it
6) Run the upgrade process again

You should be golden.