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yeah it says at the end of upgrade thx for upgraped to 1.4.13 and even says in my forum that it is out of date
(2010-08-04, 05:09 AM)Miley Wrote: [ -> ]It should be the first option, already selected by default option in the dropdown menu.

Yes it should. Try re-uploading upgrade.php to the install directory. And could you post a screen shot as well?
Make sure you have downloaded a fresh copy of 1.6 and have overwritten the old install files.
i cant get it to upgrade to 1.6 so i dunno what im doing wrong
If it still said 1.4.13 then you've not overwritten the files.
it gave me the pop up to over write but i dled a new 1.6 and reuploadig now

the setup wizard still says 1.4.13 thats it i dunno whats wrong i have uploaded the whole upload folder to my public html folder and overwritten all the files
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