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Full Version: Not working option "Remember me"
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does not work for me the option to "Remember Me" by which every time I have to sign. The Forum is the subdomain. Example:

My settings in the database and inc/settings.php:
cookiepath: /
cookieprefix: /

Please help,
So what should be the correct settings?
Without your URL we can't tell you what your settings should be. Cookie prefix should be blank though.

Cookie prefix I left blank, unfortunately, still not working.
You've got some CSS output before the <html> tag which might cause you some problems, but try clearing your browser cookies and try again.
I removed it, the inc/settings.php settings are the same as in the ACP.
Unfortunately still not working.
Test account:
Login: test
Pass: testowy
Works fine for me.
Fine for me too. Did you clear your browser cookies??
For Firefox also does not work, of course, I removed the cookies.
Ie. when you select "Remember me" option and save settings "Remember Me" is referred to as unchecked.

PS Why here (for has been turned off this option, you can not see it in profile?
It's not in that location anymore, it shows in the same place as the login box. You need to revert your templates to default as you've got old code.
As for the fields to login? And how should it look like? Nothing changed, everything is just as did Turk_Kartal.