MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: v3 Public
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Our current forum theme is downloadable!

[Image: previewtinny.png]
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readme.txt Wrote:====================================
Theme name: v3 Public
Author: Mateusz Grzesiukiewicz
License: check file included in the package named "license.txt".
Firstly, it's not professional theme. It's made with little understanding of CSS, javascript and HTML.
The theme orginal weren't created for public, it was unique WBGC theme. But with time....
People started to say:
- Amazing theme, why don't you release public one?
- This is perfect theme I love those pop-up sharing buttons!
- Please send me this theme download link! I would pay much!
- Man you rock! This theme is even better than vision I currently use! Please please let me use it.
The truth is that this theme looks great with comparison to other freeby ones. So why don't release public one?
Finally I give up and with the release of Mybb 1.6 I decided it would be great idea to make public version.

Hope you guys like it!

All web browser games players are invited to Web Browser Games Community, check:
Mybb 1.4.X compatibility.
This theme orginally is converted from Mybb 1.4 with least effort. It works both versions as it is supposed to work.
Images for plugins

This theme contains lots of images that aren't used right after installation.
Those are esspecially icons and buttons. Most of them are designed for custom plugins like Mybb Blogs.
So when you copying new plugin files remember not to overwrite images directory.
Questions and answers:

Q: Why did you choose so creepy name " v3 Public?
A: I just promote my site. I didn't expected it to be public, I don't care if people would use it with such name or not.

Q: Why do you think the theme is unprofessional?
A: I already know I could make it better with some more effort.
I believe I haven't used all up-to-date techniques so that for successfull sites I would recommend paid theme,
created by people who do it daily rather than for fun.

>> Download v3 Public <<

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Approved Smile
how to remove social bookmark facebook,twitter and how to make subject to show.
I have always been a big fan of this theme. Great job! Keep up the good work!
Preview?? forbidden..
Wow.. awesome theme, thanks Ajdija
Hi !!

I have installed this theme, but doesn't appears the "navigation" up in the forum.

I have seen on css, template and it's correct and appears <navigation>

Can you help me?

Thanks and very good theme Big Grin
good works. thank you