MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: I get this when I
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try to add an avatar to a members profile via the ACP on the forum.
MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1054 - Unknown column 'remember' in 'field list'
UPDATE mybb_users SET `email`='[email protected]', `postnum`='0', `usergroup`='7', `additionalgroups`='', `displaygroup`='0', `usertitle`='', `signature`='', `website`='', `icq`='0', `aim`='', `yahoo`='', `msn`='', `style`='0', `timezone`='12', `dateformat`='0', `timeformat`='0', `language`='', `allownotices`='1', `hideemail`='1', `subscriptionmethod`='2', `invisible`='1', `dstcorrection`='2', `threadmode`='linear', `showsigs`='1', `showavatars`='1', `showquickreply`='1', `remember`='', `receivepms`='1', `pmnotice`='1', `daysprune`='0', `showcodebuttons`='1', `pmnotify`='1', `showredirect`='1', `tpp`='0', `ppp`='0' WHERE uid='92'

any help? Thanks in advance!
Someone else just reported that same issue so what plugins do you have installed? Maybe we can work out whats causing the error by seeing which ones you have in common with them.
Akismet (1.2.1)
Auto Media (1.1.7)
Game Section (1.2)
My Awards (1.3)
Normal Usernames (1.0)
ProStats (1.7.5)

these are the one's that are Active. the others are turned off. and have been since before the install of 1.6

You've either not uploaded new files properly, merged at some point or changed your admin folder name.