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@Mark: No, it gives a No Thread Found error, judging by Polarbear
Here is the screenshot requested:

(2010-08-06, 10:41 PM)Gaara Wrote: [ -> ]@Mark: No, it gives a No Thread Found error, judging by Polarbear

Correct Toungue
It isn't in a staff forum or anything...
So no one wants to fix it?
I'm not too sure where the bug is; here's the thread -

I'm not sure if it was moved, and the latest threads is picking up the moved instruction or something. The function literally looks up the threads table, so it'll need someone who access to the database I guess.
That thread was moved from 1.6 General Support to the Templates forum
So is it a bug that will be fixed in 16.1?

(2010-08-08, 07:30 PM)iGeorge Wrote: [ -> ]So is it a bug that will be fixed in 16.1?

Please be patient. When someone has the time to take a look at it, that problem will be diagnosed and the decision will be made.
Where does it link it to? (when you place the mouse over, or right click -> copy link)
I've found what caused this after trawling through the moderator logs. Your thread was moved to the Templates forum by one of our mod tools. Not sure why moving it would cause the problem though as the thread id doesn't change, only the forum id does...
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