MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Bandwidth, Space, CPU, RAM Usage Statistics
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I need some specific information on how bandwidth hungry MyBB is? How much of other resources it would need. Could you , please, clarify and give approximate statistical figures?

What is the initial space that it needs? What is its space, when installed and fully configured (before users flood in)?
How much of bandwidth and space will it be using monthly for small numbers of users (up to 10 active at a time and, say 500 overall regged)?
What Ram and processor is required for smooth functioning?
What is the average bw-per-user usage?

What are these figures for really bloated forums?

Is this statistics available inside the amin cp of the forum? If yes - where? If no - can it be made active somehow? My server load shows "unknown" for example.

Thank you!

(p.s. I used search to check for "bandwith usage, but it returned no useful results, so I am making this topic, sorry if it is answered somewhere and please, point me there). 14.87 GB

That is the bandwidth usage for these forums since the beginning of this month (March). Since then there have been 1,374,042 hits to the forums.

The file storage for this forum is currently taking up 117mb (115mb in 1,627 attachments/thumbnails/avatars).

The database size here is currently 35mb. This contains 42,000+ posts, 6,700+ threads, 3,300+ users, 86,000+ thread read markings, 6,100+ private messages as well as other things like thread subscriptions, moderator and admin log information as well as poll data and votes.

This server is a P4 2.8ghz with 1gb RAM and 80gb HDD - it handles these forums as well as other sites hosted on the server fine.

If you have knowledge of unix processor usage/server load, here is the results of 'uptime' on this server.
Quote: 04:30:05 up 85 days, 7:40, 1 user, load average: 0.50, 0.43, 0.29

Usually it is lower - however i've just been running some extensive queries on the server.

Hope that helps you - there aren't really any sort of "benchmark" related things available in terms of specifications.

Comprehensive stats there Toungue
Thanks a lot, Chris Boulton! This is exactly the information I wanted to know. Guess, we will be using this forumware. Have a nice day!