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Full Version: Problem when adding themes
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Hi there I am having problems when uploading themes, This doesnt just happen to one theme it happens to every theme I try to upload. Yes I am uploading images folder etc..

The only theme that works is the default theme Confused

Here is a pic of what happens:

[Image: Untitled-18.jpg]
Do you tried upload the XML by FTP?
1. Your forum contains hacking content. You will not get support here.

2. It's just another ripoff of HF.
Looks like you are using another theme and you removed the theme's copyright...

We do not offer support or allow forums to be showcased if they contain hacking material, warez or any other illegal content or discussion. This is an ethical policy we have as we do not want to condone these activities, or allow use of the showcase forum to advertise forums with this content.

Feel free to PM me any questions you have regarding this.

MyBB Support Team.