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[Image: macbookprobypoodoode.png]

Name: Straight
Author: Trinit
Price: Free
Description: A theme for Mybb 1.6 very simple and professional.


Home Page:
[Image: straightc.png]

[Image: threadk.png]
thank you it's a wonderfull theme
LOL, You're obsessed with those Apple screenshot things.
Lol, I agree, I see them everywhere on your site & your theme posts xD. I like how there is so many sub folders, thats neat. Smile
clean and simple
Ahahah for the next theme I'll do something different from the macbook Toungue
Thanks for the comments and for the menu I used:
Good theme, I like it.
I like this theme alot though i think its a bit boring i love the little float bar at the bottom, mabey add different color schemes?
Yes it's possible. If you already know the color you should like just tell me ^^ otherwise in the afternoon, I'll try other colors
Just experiment greens,reds,blues,silvers,oranges,pinks. Gaming themes, sports themes. it may sound alot but it may work on getting a bigger audience if they feel at home

Also the floating bar login and register look a bit rubbishy. with the hover black box Big Grin