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Full Version: Copy entire forum permissions of a section
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Hey guys,

I've by now discovered that the drag and drop items do not cover all permissions but additional permissions can be set in "edit permissions". This is slightly confusing by the way as all groups had by default "Can view threads" checked allthough I've dragged all items to "Disallow Actions" and this would have created issues if I hadn't seen it.

Anyways, if I want to copy the permissions then to another forum, I hit "Copy Forum", select the destination do not copy settings and properties but select all groups in the list. Hitting "copy forum" then copies the perms of the drag and drop menu, however not the detailed ones in "edit permissions" - they unfortunately stay the same.

Am I doing something wrong and is there a way to copy the entire permissions?

Anyone? I wouldn't mind doing it via mysql either, however it would be really helpful if copying all permissions and not just the ones in the drag and drop box.