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Full Version: Getting sql error
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I am getting this error on my forum after updating it to 1.6, not sure how to fix this. Please advice.

Your copy of MyBB running on FAQ ( has experienced an error. Details of the error include:
Type: 20
File:  (Line no. 0)
SQL Error: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')
                       ORDER BY p.dateline' at line 3
                       SELECT subject, message
                       FROM mybb_posts p
                       WHERE pid IN()
                       ORDER BY p.dateline
This happens when you send a PM?

Reupload all your files (Make sure its the same version), overwrite them and check for any plugins which inter-fear with Private Messaging.
Not sure when this error arises, I get email of error.

So I must reinstall mybb.

I will give it a try.
Noooooooo, Just re-upload all the files and try again. You do not need to re-install, just upload the files. (Take a backup first)
Got a new error on thread.
Check out the link

Please advice.

Looks like a plugin is causing it, what ones do you have??