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Full Version: signup facebook/google/msn integration
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member signup facebook integration

i am new to this software, 'yet' to have it on my site, but drumming up my marketing little mind of mine. is it possible to have easy account setup like other sites have with integration with facebook. i have done this with a new sites, it recongises my facebook cookies i think, then connects to facebook, gets authorisation and then collects details.

use your facebook account to create a xxxx forum account

same goes with gmail accounts, google integrates things, looking at the google friends connect app atm. thinking social networking integration, not just these links to 'share' things by posting it on your wall.

thoughts? is it possible? i know ppl avoid contributing because its too much of an effort to sign up, ability to reduce that inconvience whilst still complying makes it more attractive to contribute to the forum community

help me guys, positive and negitive thoughts, im a creative guy haha
I'd happily help with XX USD for someone to code this plugin. There's a long thread in this forum that has been going for months but no results.
hmmm got a link? im new to this site, still learning the place
Didn't somebody do one? Lyndon D.? I'll be back in a second.

Edit: Look here, he did some facebook stuff:
awesome guys!
going to enjoy some more quality reading, gotta love these new projects to get you remotivated
I've been working on a Google's OpenSocial code which will be released soon, which of course allows for integration between hi5, LinkedIn, MySpace, Netlog, Ning, orkut, and Yahoo.
You know, if someone can point me towards good documentation on how to make plugins, I'll try to code an OpenID login plugin.
google integration would be nice, altho i donno how much ppl use the other connect forms, so it would be little gain but still good. figured most ppl who use forums should have a gmail account
but facebook would be the best as everyone has it

yeah wasnt much on that site, just that he is working on it and isnt coming anytime soon, keeping it to himself for now and will need to pay when he does release it
but yeah progress
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