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Isn't the plugins site getting an overhaul? Will the search be part of that? A tag system might improve the situation.
(2010-08-15, 02:03 PM)Pirata Nervo Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-08-15, 01:38 PM)iBf Wrote: [ -> ]I just made a search and received 5 results.

So what? I can do a search to retrieve 20 results. It doesn't mean they're accurate though

Additional: It was accurate.
(2010-08-15, 03:08 PM)iBf Wrote: [ -> ]Additional: It was accurate.

That's just one case, it still doesn't justify the lack of results for the query "thanks" when that word is in the title of a fully 1.6 compatible plugin. Plus many other queries I imagine.
I think the mods site will be getting a better search system with the revamp. Alan can comment more on this.
Yeah, I noticed this a few days ago, I was searching for something and got 0 results, then I searched for a few other queries, and still 0.

I thought there was some maintenance being done.
For the time being go to google and type " queryhere" replace query here. I do it more often then not recently.
(2010-08-15, 03:06 PM)Nitrus Wrote: [ -> ]Isn't the plugins site getting an overhaul? Will the search be part of that? A tag system might improve the situation.

Yes, yes and yes. Details will be given in an upcoming blog post as the new features get closer to completion but literally every part of the site is getting an overhaul and lots of new stuff is being added too.
(2010-08-17, 05:26 PM)Alan Crisp Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-08-15, 03:06 PM)Nitrus Wrote: [ -> ]Isn't the plugins site getting an overhaul? Will the search be part of that? A tag system might improve the situation.

Yes, yes and yes. Details will be given in an upcoming blog post as the new features get closer to completion but literally every part of the site is getting an overhaul and lots of new stuff is being added too.

Cool. Thanks Alan.
Sounds great Alan Crisp!
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