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Full Version: MyBB Error (42)
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So, went back from 1.6.0 to 1.2.12 by restoring my database and copying back the files I backed up, but now I'm getting the following:

MyBB Internal Error

MyBB has experienced an internal error and cannot continue.

Error Type:
MyBB Error (42)
Error Message:
Your board has not yet been upgraded. Please do so before attempting to browse it.

A search for "error 42" yields nothing. Any clues?
Read the message. It is so obvious what you need to do. Upgrade your forums! (
No, that wasn't it, but I figured it out.
Why are you downgrading anyway?? You've just opened yourself up to 3 years or so worth of security and bug fixes. People really need to plan upgrades or just upgrade to the latest version of 1.4
Why on Earth do you want to go back to 1.2.12?? If it's because of the event conversion from your other thread, it's a terrible reason to go back to 1.2.12, especially since we've barely had a chance to reply to that thread, and considering the fact 1.2 has not been supported here for well over a year so you'd be completely on your own using it. Why haven't you upgraded for the last two and a half years anyway??