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Full Version: Two problems
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this is the correct place

i put a space in the previous post that was a mistake
Goto your theme in acp , scroll down and edit your theme image location.

Your current location is:


Change to :

ok now what
ok i know whats wrong , goto your themes template >> Post Bit Templates >> postbit


Replace all with:
Now its up but when i click on it nothing happens.

and now the forum is loading and loading, strange
Hold ctrl + F5 to refresh the page , ive tried the rep button youve added and its working fine for me.

Ive also created a rep button if you want it. Its not exact but its up to you.

ok and for the thanks button do i need to change something in the templates too?
Yes im sure you do ,upload the plugin here so i can look at it and tell you what you need to edit.
now i cant find it on mybb but these are the details

its called Thanks(3.9)
Created by Huji Lee, SaeedGh
Ok try adding this just after the Rep button : {$post['button_tyl']}
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