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Full Version: New Guy have troubles with boarders.
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Seems like while editing CSS my boarders left. Its the boarders that separate the columns and rows on the forum.
For example, trow1 and trow2 there is meant to be a boarder in between them.

And now They just all left. I tried replacing back the CSS but it must be also an internal code thing that I cant find.

[Image: 30952534.png]

the above is a full page example. Please help me out.
Wow, a lot of views while no one can even tell me where the original code is. I just don't feel like starting all over.
I can't understand what's the problem Angel Blush
I have removed the following boarders or separator lines between the columns
[Image: 20598678.png]

And am unsure on how to get them back (You can see my forum is missing those separator lines)
Templates & Style > Themes > Your Theme > Inner Table Border Width (it's the last item, at the bottom of the page)

If it is set to 0, change to 1.

If it is set to 1, you've probably changed the template.
Go in Templates & Style > Template > Your Template > Forum Bit Templates > forumbit_depth1_cat


<table border="0" 

set the cellspacing val to "{$theme['borderwidth']}", so the code will be:

<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme['borderwidth']}" cellpadding="{$theme['tablespace']}" class="tborder">


Thanks, Yeah somehow the template got messed up. (Probably copied a line I didn't mean to)

Once again, thanks again. Quick help and took the time to find the answer I needed.