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Full Version: Table marked as crashed - what could be the reason?
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Hey guys,

I've lately experienced the issue that a table was marked as crashed and had to be repaired.

145 - Table './blablabla/mybb_posts' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

I did that and everything is fine now.

However I'd really like to know whether there are any known reasons for this issue that could have led to it.

turn OFF your forum (offline setting), then repair table from PHPMyadmin.
How big is your forum?
If not big, You should change other hosting company Wink
Ok... as I said, I've fixed the error as it was quite obvious what to do.

I am asking what the possibly reason that it even came up could be.

Please read my question and don't just assume what I am going to ask if you reply Wink
The problem could be bad hosting, or a very active community on a too small server..
Hm... alright, I am really not too sure about that, our community isn't that large (~100 active users). Hoster is hostgator which I so far always liked (due to the support over there). Any bad credits to give to them? Toungue
Not sure about hostgator..

How many posts your forum has? 100 active users can generate a lot of traffic if they are on at the same time..

Nah they are active but not 24/7 at the same time.

"Our members have made a total of 352 posts in 60 threads."

... so the forums are really not large Wink.
Then keep an eye on it.. if it happens more, consider moving hosts..
Alright, thanks a bunch. Talked in the meanwhile with the support, they obviously refer to "poor database scripts" blabla Wink. Gotta watch it in future whether it occurs again.

Oh course they blame the script, hosts always do. The fact it runs fine on other hosts and a lot of people have issues with HostGator clearly shows it's MyBB at fault here...
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