this the Code for youtube video
and it shows nothing no error message and no video !!!!! How can i fix it... Help
Don't think you're supposed to put the full link to your video, just the video ID code.
Make sure your theme is updated to 1.6.
(2010-08-20, 05:36 PM)Gaara Wrote: [ -> ]Don't think you're supposed to put the full link to your video, just the video ID code.
Hmm from my tests only the full URL works
Didn't realise that :p
Most forums I'm on just use a BB/MyCode that only requires you to put the video ID code in
this is the Code
Quote:Make sure your theme is updated to 1.6.
so which supposed to this i want to change it to default
hi all,
I just use myBB and I have installed on localhost and do a little configuration.
however, when I use myCode for "youtube", I find this does not work properly.
This is myCode that I use.
Regular Expression
\ [Youtube \ ](.*?) \ [/ youtube \]
<object width="425" height="344"> <param name="movie" value="$1"> </ param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"> </ param> <param name = "allowscriptaccess" value = "always"> </ param> <embed src = "$ 1" type = "application / x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess = "always" allowfullscreen = "true" width = "425" height = " 344 "> </ embed> </ object>
This is a preview of the results I use myCode.
Is there someone who can help me?
and this is the youtube video i just tested
[b] Andrew WK - Party Hard [/b]
Enerjik sekali... :D
Works fine here, does it show for you on these forums??