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Full Version: A MyBB ventrilo
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See this post isn't totally pointless! Big Grin
I just don't get why stuck-up 30-year-old generalise about younger forum owners and MyBB users, it seems a tad fail to me.
Excuse me? I'm 15, and what's the big deal, its just for fun, a audio meetup with the people from mybb, after all the channel will be modded.
(2010-09-01, 08:18 AM)StingReay Wrote: [ -> ]I just don't get why stuck-up 30-year-old generalise about younger forum owners and MyBB users, it seems a tad fail to me.

I'm actually 19 and I mean general life. Not just MyBB...
This is turning more into "Are 'kids' mature" and a stereotyped thread. FYI to those being stereotypical, most of the MyBB Staff is under 18.
Just a note I've installed Ventrilo server on my VPS.

Port: 3784

Note that I am providing this as an unofficial thing and feel free to use it. However if I notice any abuse I can take it down just as easily.
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