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Full Version: SQL syntax for supports DB types
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Okay, so MyBB supports MySQL/i, PgSQL, and SQLite. I need to know if this code is compatible with all these types> Mostly I am unsure of the PgSQL

			$create_sql = "CREATE TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."garage_data".$mybb->input['id']."` (
			`gid` smallint(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
			`uid` int(10) NOT NULL,
			`views` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
			`comments` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
			`submit_date` varchar(20) default '',
			`dateline` bigint(30) NOT NULL,
			`createdate` bigint(30) NOT NULL default '0',
			`approved` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
			`approved_by` mediumint(10) NOT NULL default '0',
			`posthash` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',";
			$create_index = " PRIMARY KEY  (`gid`),
			KEY `uid` (`uid`),
			KEY `approved` (`approved`)";
			while($result = $db->fetch_array($query))
				if($result['field_type'] == 'int')
					$create_sql .= '`'.$result['name'].'` int('.$result['data_length'].') default \'0\',';
				if($result['field_type'] == 'bigint')
					$create_sql .= '`'.$result['name'].'` bigint('.$result['data_length'].') default \'0\',';
				if($result['field_type'] == 'varchar')
					$create_sql .= '`'.$result['name'].'` varchar('.$result['data_length'].') default \'\',';
				if($result['field_type'] == 'text')
					$create_sql .= '`'.$result['name'].'` text,';
				if($result['field_type'] == 'timestamp')
					$create_sql .= '`'.$result['name'].'` timestamp,';
				if($result['require'] == 1)
					$create_index .= ", KEY `".$result['name']."` (`".$result['name']."`)";
			$create_index .= ")";
			if($db->type == 'mysql' || $db->type == 'mysqli')
			$create_sql = $create_sql.$create_index.$create_mysql.";";

It works fine in MySQL and MySQLi and I assume that its valid for SQLite, but not sure about pgSQL