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Full Version: Multi Copy Threads to Another Forum
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I know that multi-move is available for threads from forum display, But how do i add multi-copy of threads from one forum to another.

Here is a screenshot:-
[Image: ytyddjdvgnhtvbbn.jpg]

I tried to add to "forumdisplay_inlinemoderation" the below code:-
                <option value="move">{$lang->move_thread} Copy Thread(s)</option>

But it is only to copy single thread, I need to copy multiple threads.

Help will be appreciated Smile
I believe you can do this by making a new moderator tool in the ACP >> Configuration >> Moderator Tools >> Add New Thread Tool
Simply adding a thread tool wont do it i think.
Bump, not resolved yet, anyone ?
You can make a custom thread tool to copy threads to a specific forum.

If you want to have the choice of which forum to copy threads to each time then you'll need a plugin or files edits, if that's the case then this isn't general support and you should post in the Plugins & Code Modifications section. Smile
To copy multiple threads we need to have "Select option for thread", which we don't have.

SO this cannot be Performed, *untill new plugin is made for such purpose.

*And If(If) such plugin is made than that too, I guess you can only copy multiple thread from mod cp or admin cp and not form the inline moderation.

I guess, I am not wrong, If I am wrong than please do rectify me.