I installed on my site the MyBB.
But i like to use other theme.
I did what they information said. but nothing happens.
Any help thanks a lot!
*Pic what i get. ( i use FileZilla for updating files )
Thanks again : )
Did you upload the XML file ?
the download page just say:
Install Instructions
Just extract the file, upload folder to root and select the style in acp. That's it. Isn't it easy?
I can't find it in the maps.
So i dont understand it : (
Thanks for helping : )
The theme of the ACP isn't there, go to Configuration, Control Panel Preferences (Global) and select it in Control Panel Style ;D
(sorry im new to MyBB)
Editing of what? what i most do
Thanks : D
1. Go to Admin CP.
2. Go to Configuration.
3. In the list of configurations go to: Control Panel Preferences (Global)
4. Select the style in Control Panel Style.
PS: I was editing the post not answering you :$ Sorry for that.
Thanks : )
I gues i searched on the wrong place
If there was a thank button for u, then i pressed on it
*Question solved. if people has the same problem read the reply before this one! Helped for me
You can give Rep
Only my admin page is other style.
I feel so dumb.
The theme is only for the Admin CP. If you want to all the forum you have to search another in
The theme for the Admin CP and the forum are different ^^