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Full Version: Showing different ads on different boards
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I would like to know please is there a mod or a pluging that will allow me to show different ads on different boards on my forum after the first post. Example if I had a pets forum then I can show ads or information about cats on a cats forum board and if there was a board about dogs then I can show ads for dogs on the dogs forum board.

Thanks for your help in advance.
If you're using something like Adsense then it shows relevant ads anyway.
you should use something like OpenX if you are going to not use a simple Adsense setup. OpenX will let you specify targeting criteria, such as the URL contents so you can send specific ads from a zone to that URL. This is what you would need to do if you use Commission Junction as they are not content aware. However, if you are using Adsense or other content aware service, you don't need to bother as they will handle it for you
Thank you for your replies. I am not going to use adsense. I have found a way that I can geo target amazon ads and I would like to show geo targeted amazon ads on my forum. What I would like to do is to show one ad on one board say for example like in my origional post if I had a pets forum then if the board for the cats was numbered 1 then I would like to show all ads for cats in the board 1 section. And the dogs board is board number 2 so I woul like to show all dog amazon related ads for board 2.

Would this be possible. If I used openx I would still not be able to show different ads for different board numbers.

Thanks in advance.