How do I get the post details to show at the side rather then the top?
Right now the avatars and post count ect are all at the top of the post, i want them to be at the side
ACP >> Configuration >> Settings >> Show Thread Options >> Post Layout >> Display posts using the classic layout
thank you
When i change it in the admin panel it doesnt change on the forum :s
It's an option in the usercp, the admincp option will only change it for guests and new users.
If you want to use it just edit it in the usercp options menu, if you want everyone to use it you can either replace the postbit template with the text in postbit_classic or, preferably, run a query similar to this:
UPDATE mybb_users SET classicpostbit = 1 WHERE clasicpostbit = 0
how do i edit the post bit template
To change all existing users to the classic postbit run the query Jammerx2 posted above in phpMyAdmin.
If you also want to stop people having the option to use the horizontal postbit go to: ACP >> Templates & Style >> Templates >>
yourtheme >> User Control Panel Templates >> Usercp_options
Find and delete:
<td valign="top" width="1"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="classicpostbit" id="classicpostbit" value="1" {$classicpostbitcheck} /></td>
<td><span class="smalltext"><label for="classicpostbit">{$lang->show_classic_postbit}</label></span></td>
It's simpler to just replace the postbit template with the postbit_clasic template if you want to prevent any of the other postbit, since they can still get around the above edit if they want. You would just have to make sure to change it again if there are any future updates to it.
Hey!! I have tired running that quiery and it just says #1054 - Unknown column 'clasicpostbit' in 'where clause'
(2010-09-19, 04:49 AM)christinaxx Wrote: [ -> ]Hey!! I have tired running that quiery and it just says #1054 - Unknown column 'clasicpostbit' in 'where clause'
There's a typo, it should be:
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `classicpostbit` = "1" WHERE `classicpostbit` = "0"