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Full Version: When I click new thread on my forums...
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When I click new thread on my doesn't let me and says "No input file specified." This is really annoying because I have no threads. How do I fix this?

Thank you.
Link and test account?
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Yes, please.

Thank you. I can make you admin to help me out too if you can.
Sorry about the closed board thing one second.
So can you help me? =D
Can anyone help me here? D=
Please someone help me out Sad
Try reuploading newthread.php from a fresh download.
It looks like the files aren't uploaded at all. I get a Chrome error page when going to them, and a 10 second Google search on this error says it might be due to 404 errors, i.e. the file doesn't exist.
So which files weren't uploaded? And which ones do I replace? Because I get that message on many thread, complete online list..
No input file specified.
Whatever files you're accessing when getting the error. ./newreply.php, ./newthread.php, ./online.php... they're in the root folder.
EDIT: You beat me!!!!
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