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Full Version: Moderators in moderators list in forum display are not colourised by group namestyle
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I continue to test 1.4 -> 1.6 migration. Wink


in 1.4 they was colourised.

It's a bug or feature ?
I don't know what you're trying to ask.
in 1.4.13 in forumdisplay.php at line 185 there was code
$moderator['username'] = format_name($moderator['username'], $moderator['usergroup'], $moderator['displaygroup']);

it shows moderators names colourised according to their usergroup or displaygroup namestyle (in AdminCP - Username style).

In 1.6 this code disappears.

that's why I'm asking - it's a bug or feature obsoletes ?
Not sure really. Moderators as Groups was added as a feature so that might be why they removed it...
I don't think so, groups and users are processed separately, nothing stops to do the same for users as in 1.4

1.6 forumdisplay.php lines 185-202:

       if(in_array($moderator['id'], $done_moderators['groups']))
       $moderators .= $comma.htmlspecialchars_uni($moderator['title']);
       $done_moderators['groups'][] = $moderator['id'];
       if(in_array($moderator['id'], $done_moderators['users']))
       $moderators .= "{$comma}<a href=\"".get_profile_link($moderator['id'])."\">".htmlspecialchars_uni($moderator['username'])."</a>";
       $done_moderators['users'][] = $moderator['id'];
Submit an issue over at and they will either fix it or explain the reason why it was removed Smile
I already submit other two bugs, no feedback. I provide patches for these bugs, still no feedback.

* asmile afraid to overflow bug tracking system Wink

anyway I'll try.

just FYI:

colourising still works in
- "Who's Online" list in forum statistics,
- "User(s) browsing this forum" list in forum display

IMHO it looks like a bug
That's because a lot of development staff are taking a little break after 1.6's release. However they are working their way through Smile
patch attached