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Full Version: After Upgrade Plugins Problem
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I did the upgrade from MyBB 1.4.13 to MyBB 1.6, but i got a total of HTML files of 178 MB, so i decided to delete all except the config.php, the only file necessary for updrage. All right, upgrade completed, but the plugins were still installed, so i removed the Plugins Settings Groups, but now i try to install old plugins that i got, upgraded for 1.6 and it says to deactivate it not to install, it's already installed, but if i unistall i get 505 error, server not found. Is there a way to deactivate completely plugins by SQL or other method? Thanks in advance...

* Sajuuk prepares to get pissed off.

Can you PLEASE JUST SEARCH THE GODDAMN FORUM?! I am absolutely sick and tired of people making these threads regarding plugins that don't work when at least 100 warnings have been made.

* Sajuuk is now angry.
Usefull post *clap clap*, i already searched, and my problem isn't plugins compatibility, can you please next time just read the content and not only the title? Thanks Smile
What you can do is remove them from the database, go to phpmyadmin en there you can delete them.

Why didn't you uninstall the plugins before you upgraded like the upgrade guides say?? Did you backup your database and files before you did the upgrade?? You may have to do as mentioned above and delete things manually from the database.
Yes but SQL size is like 80MB and i need to split it into 2MB pieces (phpmyadmin allow to import max 2MB files) and upload them one by one, i solved modifing all plugins install/unistall files deleting all except the unistall/deactivate strings Smile