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Anyone have any strategies for allowing groups of users to collaboratively create and edit each others replies and threads?

I need create collaborative group work for my students, and would like to allow the groups to work on individual threads.

So, I assign students to groups and when any one in the group starts at thread, anyone else in that group can edit the initial post, and any of the replies.

I would also want to lock other groups from replying to a thread that a group had started.

Any ideas on how that can be done, or would it require modifications?

Thanks for any ideas,
In 1.6 you can add a group as a moderator to a forum; there you can set what permissions they'll have, you can make it so they can just edit and delete posts (can give more if you'd want obviously). So if users in Group X have to be able to collaborate, add their usergroup as a moderator to the appropriate forum. If they'd all be using the same forum though and not a separate one for each group, it probably won't be as simple as that.

As an example; forum 1, forum 2, and forum 3; group 1, group 2, group 3. Add group 1 as moderators to forum 1, same for the others, and they'll have control of everything in that forum, but not others. Also you can then setup forum permissions for those forums so only the relevant groups can post in them. However, if group 1, group 2 and group 3 were all using forum 1, this wouldn't work, and would need a plugin or something.