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is there a way i can edit the shout box so it has like some test so ppl can go back to the forum with out hitting the back button

and is this a way i can add my forum ranks on it to

here what i want to bo
did this in paint

sorry if u dont understand
Can any one help?????
Usually takes a couple of days for help, sometimes, "rarely" it comes faster depending who you are, Sorry, it's the truth.
hemi Wrote:Usually takes a couple of days for help, sometimes, "rarely" it comes faster depending who you are, Sorry, it's the truth.

They must really like you then because you got a straight answer within 40 minutes on your previous question...

I'd like to help you but I don't understand what you mean Sad
xiao Wrote:
hemi Wrote:Usually takes a couple of days for help, sometimes, "rarely" it comes faster depending who you are, Sorry, it's the truth.

They must really like you then because you got a straight answer within 40 minutes on your previous question...

I'd like to help you but I don't understand what you mean Sad

Straight answer? The code didn't work! And zahr got smart with me to boot, nice! But I just shut my mouth like usual and let it slide without a word. Like I should of known! Did you read the post? He acted like it was a burden for him and I "should of seen the code" Nice price to pay for a reponse! What's clear to others isn't so clear to some. If you dont code here or are part of the loop, your in the backseat for a while for sure. You have NO clue how many posts I've deleted, because NO ONE would answer them ever.
Still waiting on a straight answer to show 5 pics above my forum from a week ago or better, someone throws out some partial code and expects me to figure the rest out. Been trying for over a week on my own and still cant get it, LOL. That's how it always is. Oh well. When I get fed up enough there's IPB.
I know for a fact I have sent over some big playing website owners, people that see over 5000 unique hits a day. Every single one of them said the same thing. "Not much for support" then they would proceed to say, I would rather pay the 69.00 and get support when I need it rather than wait for days for help stranding members and loosing business for paid advertisors. Someone who has a huge site and has a issue cant wait 2,3,5 or 10 days for help. MyBB's loss not mine, I just dont send anyone over anymore.
Boards that are succesful like IPB, VBulletin, Yabb, PHPBB all have one thing in common, they have great support that dont take forever. That's also why they have a huge fanbase, Make fun of PHPBB all you want, but in the end it doesn't matter, they have the community which makes them succesful, If you cant learn from that, then your not going to learn ever.
The more people that also leave MyBB also takes away that chance to spread the word, and that's what's been going on and going south. Some are just to blind to see it or they dont care? I come here and at times NO ONE is on, what's up with that? You'd never see that at any of the forums I mentioned above. Well, Im done ranting and Im still using MyBB. If anything, being forced to learn php has been a positive, at least I know now what not to get myself into next software I get. I call this the school of hard knocks.
Well, I think zaher and all moderators are doing a great job here, they spend a lot of time with helping people and writing code modifications.
No one said they were doing a terrible job, I believe there just isn't enough of them and it creates issues with users needing help faster. I have praised this software, mods and more while I have been here. Im just looking at the facts however, this community isn't ready for someone who needs help faster than what's usually given and it deters users. And I know this for fact.
Your avatar is a huge file also, why not compress it?
ahm... why dont u try this...

go to the templates > Modify/Delete... Global Templates > Expand, search for Shoutbox > edit, and on the end add this

<a href=/index.php>Back to forums</a>
thx iv got it how i want it no thx alot