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Full Version: Change background
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how can I change the back ground of this forum: (actualy white) and put an image?
Go to the CSS editor in the admin panel and search for the 'body' selector, and then change
background: #fff;


background: url( image url here );
if you want it like mine, open #container
replace the background with:
background: url( image url here ); 
I wrote this: but the background doesn't change...

Whith this:
(2010-09-07, 01:46 PM)Gilnaa Wrote: [ -> ]Go to the CSS editor in the admin panel and search for the 'body' selector, and then change
background: #fff;


background: url( image url here );
the result is this: change only the footer, maybe there is something white covering over ..

Add the code to the #content class.
thx ajs, this is the solution!