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Line 51 is part of a template, the version compatibility is on line 40. Upload it again, and just change the 4 to a 6 in the compatibility.
I am changing line 40: "compatibility" => "14*",

I just change it to 16*, then try to go into my plugin mgr and get the parse error. Then, I go back and change line 40 to 14* and try to reload my plugin mgr and it's still a parse error. The only way to remove the parse error is to reload the original php file that I downloaded from the Mod site.

Thanks for looking into this.
PM me FTP login details, there must be something else changing, it wouldn't cause a parse error for no reason.
Thanks, Matt.

Info on it's way.
Try it now.

You may have accidentally removed the " from the end of the string or something.
(2010-09-09, 10:24 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]Try it now.

You may have accidentally removed the " from the end of the string or something.

Maybe I did, but I thought I was being extra careful after trying it about a half dozen times with the same result. Regardless, it's working now and I appreciate your time.

Btw, I have another thread floating with no responses. I'm not sure how this board works in regards to how MODS police areas, but I was hoping for answer on it as well. If it's not your area, then no worries.

Have a great evening!!
I think I might have found the problem.....I was trying to edit the file directly in my phpadmin. I figured you had downloaded the file and edited and then uploaded it.

There was another mod that was doing the same thing, so I edited it prior to upload and it's working now as well.

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