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Full Version: Your zombie apocalypse forum.
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If a zombie apocalypse occurred and most of the world's population died, and being the <snip> you are, you decide to create your own online message board for survivors of the zombie apocalypse to use. So, how would you set up your zombie apocalypse forum? Also, for this scenario, let's just say that electricity, server hosts, and internet service providers weren't shutdown (but everyone who operates them is is dead and thus unable to switch them off). I'd set it up like this: <snip>

You can either create a forum for free using one of these:

Or you can just tell us how you would set it up using bold as categories, normal text as forums, and hyphens as sub-forums (with double hyphens indicating a sub-sub-forum, triple indicating a sub-sub-sub-forum, etc.). If you want to, you can also use parenthesis to describe what each forum is for. Here is an example (using the same set-up as the example forum I made):

Survivor Center
Suggestions & Support

General Discussion
General Discussion
Health & Safety
Survival Tips
Raiding Parties & Scavenging Parties
Trading Center
Post-Apocalyptic Dating
Missing Persons
Survival Stories
--North America
---United States
----Eastern United States
----Midwestern United States
----Western United States
----Southern United States
----United States Overseas Territories
--South America
--Central America
--Great Britain & Ireland
--New Zealand
--Papa New Guinea
-Kerguelen Plateau
-Middle East

Rebuilding Discussion
Provisional Government
Public Services

You make me rage.
(2010-09-07, 09:16 PM)Lightning92 Wrote: [ -> ]If a zombie apocalypse occurred and most of the world's population died, and being the <snip> you are, you decide to create your own online message board for survivors of the zombie apocalypse to use. So, how would you set up your zombie apocalypse forum? Also, for this scenario, let's just say that electricity, server hosts, and internet service providers weren't shutdown (but everyone who operates them is is dead and thus unable to switch them off). I'd set it up like this: <snip>

You can either create a forum for free using one of these:

Or you can just tell us how you would set it up using bold as categories, normal text as forums, and hyphens as sub-forums (with double hyphens indicating a sub-sub-forum, triple indicating a sub-sub-sub-forum, etc.). If you want to, you can also use parenthesis to describe what each forum is for. Here is an example (using the same set-up as the example forum I made):

Survivor Center
Suggestions & Support

General Discussion
General Discussion
Health & Safety
Survival Tips
Raiding Parties & Scavenging Parties
Trading Center
Post-Apocalyptic Dating
Missing Persons
Survival Stories
--North America
---United States
----Eastern United States
----Midwestern United States
----Western United States
----Southern United States
----United States Overseas Territories
--South America
--Central America
--Great Britain & Ireland
--New Zealand
--Papa New Guinea
-Kerguelen Plateau
-Middle East

Rebuilding Discussion
Provisional Government
Public Services

A) if the techies were dead, who'd maintain the ISPs.. And servers...
B) how long did you spend on this?
C) I'd give up.... I quite fancy being a zombie...