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Full Version: How can I change the Background of my threads?
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Hello people. I want to know how to change the background color while viewing a thread.

The default here is kind of grey. I would like to change it

Anybody can provide which css or template I can modify?

Thank you.
It's in global.css, trow1 and trow2, changing that will change things in areas other than just threads though as that class is used on most pages. If you want to just change the thread you'd need to open the postbit and/or postbit_classic templates and change trow1 and trow2 to something else and then create a new class for it in global.css

Let me know if you need that explained in more detail. Smile
Hey thanks dude, it works, but now. I would like to change the postbit background color. How can I access that?
I'm not sure what you mean, can you provide a link to your forum and/or a screenshot of what you want to change? Smile
[Image: howtom.png]

Here we go, I want to change the background color (The white color) of this user information
Do you mean inside the little rounded boxes with the actual information in or the background behind that?

Either way, if it's not trow1 or trow2 I'm going to need a link so I can view the source. Smile
I mean the background behind that.
Example Link:-
Looks like it's .trow4
Yeah it is
(2010-09-07, 11:32 PM)AJS Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like it's .trow4

Yeah it is. It took me about an hour to work that out when I was looking how to do the same thing lol.
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