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Full Version: i cant add moderatores
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i cant add moderatores on my forum in 1.6 see on photo pls my problem
Looks like it's set up wrong.

Are you sure your table prefixes are set up right?

And why doesn't it display your username in the ACP next to "logged in as".
were i can check is table prefixes are set up ?
when i try to add one member like moderator from admin optiones, i show this error

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1054 - Unknown column 'remember' in 'field list'
UPDATE mybb_users SET email='[email protected]', postnum='2', usergroup='6', additionalgroups='', displaygroup='0', usertitle='', signature='', website='', icq='0', aim='', yahoo='', msn='', style='2', timezone='10', dateformat='0', timeformat='0', language='', allownotices='1', hideemail='1', subscriptionmethod='0', invisible='0', dstcorrection='2', threadmode='threaded', showsigs='1', showavatars='1', showquickreply='1', remember='', receivepms='1', pmnotice='1', daysprune='0', showcodebuttons='1', pmnotify='0', showredirect='1', tpp='0', ppp='0' WHERE uid='2163'
You're running 1.4 code on a 1.6 forum. Did you disable your plugins?!
Either you've left plugins active or you've not uploaded the 1.6 files properly. Have you renamed your admin folder?? If so, make sure the new admin files are in the renamed folder.
(2010-09-08, 08:39 AM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]Either you've left plugins active or you've not uploaded the 1.6 files properly. Have you renamed your admin folder?? If so, make sure the new admin files are in the renamed folder.

yes i have upload and renemed new admin folder but still is same problem
Both those errors indicate that you have 1.4 code running somewhere, if you're sure all the 1.6 files were uploaded correctly then it must be an incompatible plugin(s).
thank you very much, is fixed now.