Just move:
<span id="edited_by_{$post['pid']}">{$post['editedmsg']}</span>
in the postbit and postbit_classic template to wherever you want it, and change the actual text in the language file...
(2010-09-11, 06:17 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]Just move:
<span id="edited_by_{$post['pid']}">{$post['editedmsg']}</span>
in the postbit and postbit_classic template to wherever you want it, and change the actual text in the language file...
I raelly "Appreciate" the "First And Fast Reply"
Please Explain it more clearly,PLease.
Assuming you want to move where the message is displayed, go to ACP > Templates & Style > Templates > **expand template set** > Post Bit Templates > postbit and postbit_classic > find that piece of code > Move it wherever you want it to be.
./inc/languages/english/global.lang.php, line 205 > change the text.