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Full Version: display user signatures & avatars is checked by default
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is there a query to run so that it's automatically checked by default and users would have to disable it to not see them.
I don't understand... WHats the point in having the signature set to show along with the avatar if the user selected none... Besides, if the user has no sig or avatar, it isn't shown anyways I think.
(2010-09-15, 06:10 PM)Conor Calby Wrote: [ -> ]I don't understand... WHats the point in having the signature set to show along with the avatar if the user selected none... Besides, if the user has no sig or avatar, it isn't shown anyways I think.

by default it's not checked.....I want it so they both show by default and users don't have to check the option in their user cp.
They should be checked by default anyway.
must be the jfusion plugin causing a conflict.