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Full Version: How do they do it?
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I looked for a MOD and can't find one I don't see how some mybb forums has it?


How can I do that? Get a image beside the on, off, offlock images on the forum_index?
Theres an article on MyBBRunway on this. Please search the forum and you will find it. There a forum by the name articles. There you will find the article I mentioned. Its really great.

Link :

There is a plugin too but the way mentioned in mybbrunway is a lot easier.

If you mean this. Then thats not what I want. I mean the one provided in the screenshot.
ohk...For that theres a plugin but I think its not compatible with MyBB 1.6.
Plugin name is Ficons by Labrocca. It will be available on MyBB Central but you need to be a subscriber there to download it.
(2010-09-16, 03:47 AM)Praveer Wrote: [ -> ]ohk...For that theres a plugin but I think its not compatible with MyBB 1.6.
Plugin name is Ficons by Labrocca. It will be available on MyBB Central but you need to be a subscriber there to download it.

Can I have a link to it please?
Actually I am on mobile so cannot give you the link. Just search '' Ficons MyBB Plugin '' and you will get the page to that plugin.
(2010-09-16, 03:54 AM)Praveer Wrote: [ -> ]Actually I am on mobile so cannot give you the link. Just search '' Ficons MyBB Plugin '' and you will get the page to that plugin.

I just got it and tested it. It works fine for 1.6.
Thats great.