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Full Version: Please HELP in TEXT color in POSTS
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[Image: screenhunter01sep170822.gif]
How can i change that font??
I want for example to replace black with yellow color... I want yellow to be deffault posting color... How to change it?
In global.css find .post_content and add or change the color. Smile
I did it... I add yellow color code #FFFF00 and it isn't changed... o.O
Please help!
Can you provide a link to your forum please?
Link to site please.

Edit: damn AJS beat me.
My forum is Its new forum....
did you change the global.css for that theme or the default theme.
What you mean????
each theme has its own global.css file you have to edit the right one to see the changes if you want you can pm me some temp admin details.
Give me your msn..
Pages: 1 2