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Full Version: Registering with Free Email Host
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I think you have banned the hotmail email address, or someone on your admin has. Check the banned email filter, which I can't remember it's location Sad
When I go to the disallowed email addresses in the Admin CP under Configuration and Banning, is not listed there alone. There are hotmail addresses there, but not the general server.

Is it possible that hotmail would have a specific IP address? ??? - Just brainstorming...
No, hotmail doesn't have a specific IP that would ban it.
Remove all variants of hotmail and live from the banned email list.
So basically you want me to delete all email addresses from the banned list that have and at the end?

If so, I will have to ask the other Administrator and get back with you. There is a reason why they are there.

Does anyone else think this is a good or bad idea? Just curious on what you think this would accomplish.
Or,, and other country variants.
Dunno why you'd ban them, spammers don't use the service
We have a user with a email address and everything is fine.

Oh, and back to the problem, all the members that have registered that had a hotmail account were asked to change their email address to a non-hotmail account.
I believe the reason the hotmail addresses were banned is because if they look up an ip address on Stop Forum Spam and if it has several hits, they find the email address associated with it and then ban that email address.
Well, deleted all the banned email addresses with and in their names and still having the same problem.
So there are absolutely no banned addresses?? Nothing like *
Nope. The word "hotmail" does not occur ANYWHERE in our disallowed email addresses. Neither does "live".

Now, here's a puzzlement. When we (Administrators) try to do something to a Hotmail member's account, we receive a notice that the account isn't recognized, because it's Hotmail, and the change doesn't get made. That shows that people used to be able to sign up with with a @hotmail address up until about 3-4 weeks ago. That is when everything started going crazy. This was before we did the upgrade from 1.4.9 to 1.6. After the upgrade, we now are using 1.6 and are having the same problem.

One exception - One of our members has a hotmail address and whose account an Administrator was unable to tweak, changed her avatar today!

What's going on here?
Maybe is also in the Word filter... ?
If no, I do't know :l
Right now, there are no banned accounts. There are 6 words in the word filter, but they are simply changing the word "bible" to "Bible" and just small capitalizations like that.
Well, one of the Administrators went in and deleted ALL the email addresses that had been disallowed (except for select few that we know we want there) and apparently there was an email address in there that was banning hotmail addresses from registering.

The question now becomes which one, but that's neither here nor there. The problem is fixed. I just know that before they were deleted, there was not one single email address with the word "hotmail" or "live" in it. ??? So which one it was, who knows?

Thank you everyone who helped out in your suggestions. Reading through the forum, an Administrator noticed that our akismet plugin needed updated. So I guess that's next in line. Thanks, again, for everyone's help. I hope this will help anyone in the future that has this same problem!
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