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Full Version: Problems with permissions [please help me!]
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I have a small problem, I have updated my forum a while ago to 1.6 but now I havr problems with the forum permissions.

There was no problems at all but, now if I edit a permission and I save the permission en when I take a look afther saving the permission is not saved an the old permission is active.

A mod have problems to add a Attachment (he can not add a Attachment) and if I set the permission to the mod that he can add the Attachments and I save the permission, he can't still not add a Attachment and if I take a look at the permission the old permission is active and not the new saved one.

Wat can be here the problem and wat do I need to do that my permissions works again???

greatings and thanks
I have seen that the problem is in Firefox, there if I edit a permission and I click on save the permission don't save.

If I edit the permission on Internet Explorer the new permission works, but on the Internet Explorer is a bugg, if I click on save the I see the circle with loading and this page stays and nothing happend.

If I close the page and I go take a look the permission is saved, so its works the page only don't refresh but if I close the window by my self the settings are saved and working.

But Now I want to have it working on Firefox
We have an ongoing issue at the moment - It's not possible to save custom permissions in Internet Explorer 8.

As far as I know, there is no problems with Firefox. What version are you using?
(2010-09-21, 08:03 AM)Tomm M Wrote: [ -> ]As far as I know, there is no problems with Firefox. What version are you using?

Firefox 3.6.10 I'm use (the last one)
But I know the bugg, if I set a new permission and I klik on save the permission is set , afther the save I send right back to the forum wich I have set the new permission. And on the bottom of the page I see again save and if I click on that save the permission don't works and the old one is back.

So if I click one time on save is the permission set and if I click 2 times on save the permission is not set

So is this a bugg or something???