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Full Version: Making General Support Clearer
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I wonder how many times staff moves threads in General Support to plugins area?

I noticed the actual description of General Support doesn't mention what it's for and there are 6 stickies in that section only one of which mentions plugins.

So I'd like to make a suggestion.

Under "MyBB 1.6 General Support" add a subforums "Plugin Support" and just have it link here:

Yes that would mean there would be a link to an already existing forum but staff should ask about how many threads are reported for being in that section that they have to move. IMHO this small addition would assist with navigation which might be the #1 problem for wrong forum posting.

Just an idea because I see "this belongs in plugin support" posts all the time in there.
Its a great suggestion and I too feel a need for it.
Good point, might clear out the plugin discussion though.
I like all these ideas labrocca Smile
It is mentioned in the "Need help? Start here first." link in the 1.6 support forum. People unfortunately rarely read this though.

Personally I don't find it to be much of a hassle to use our custom moderation tool to move threads to plugins but I like the idea about a subforum that links to the correct forum. I'll speak to Matt about it.
Yeah I like the subforum idea. Smile
Even though moving it is only a couple of clicks anyway :p
I agree with Polarbear, I agree but it isn't something I am going to die over if we don't get it.