MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Live Stats
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I am a member of a forum, they have a homepage, and they have live stats text, I attached an image of it below. It shows, members, threads and posts in text. I searched here but I only saw like images, I was looking for text. The forum that I saw this on is a phpbb forum, I was seeing if I could do this with MyBB, as It would look great on my homepage.[attachment=19975]
Look at the bottom of
Tell me if you don't see any stats.
Yeah I know..

I mean a page not on the actual forum. I have a hosting site, post2host actually. I want text on the homepage, which is not the forum, a HTML page.. So, I was wondering if I could add text..
Do you mean an image like what lichtheman has in his signature with the stats of his site? There is a plugin for that, I can't remember the name though.
I think he means have a life stream of stats on something like the portal. The picture comes from here.
Yeah, what blake said.. Smile