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Full Version: who is online
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Normaly at the buttom of the forum there is:

24 members online in the past 60 minutes (20 members, 0 invissible, o guest)

I like it to show like this:

24 members online (20 members, 0 invissible, o guest)

So i don't wan't to show the time there

Which file do i have to edit and what do i have to remove or chance


In inc/languages/english/online.lang.php line 96:

$l['online_count'] = "{1} {2} active in the past {3} minutes ({4} {5}, {6} of whom {7} invisible, and {8} {9}).";

Just remove the active in the past {3} minutes bit. Smile
or you can edit it via tha acp>configuration>languages removing the part stated above
(2010-09-25, 10:23 AM)adbrad Wrote: [ -> ]or you can edit it via tha acp>configuration>languages removing the part stated above

Yup that too but you need to make sure your language files are chmod'd to 777 first so generally editing a file directly is easier.
Yess it works

Thank you all for support, it was after all very easy if you know what to do.

Thanks again

