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Full Version: Moving the Mybb directory?
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I've setup MyBB on a Windows server system, putting MyBB one folder down from the home page of the site. Later it was determined that it would be better to have MyBB be the top level of the site, so the MyBB folder was moved to the folder where the home page resides. I also changed the setting in "General Configuration" which points to the board's URL to make it match the new reality.


Now I get the following error message when a person attempts to create a new account:


mySQL error: 1364
Field 'avatartype' doesn't have a default value
Query: INSERT INTO mybb_users (username, password, salt, loginkey, email, usergroup, regdate, lastactive, lastvisit, website, icq, aim, yahoo, msn, birthday, allownotices, hideemail, emailnotify, receivepms, pmpopup, pmnotify, remember, showsigs, showavatars, showquickreply, invisible, style, timezone, dst, threadmode, daysprune, regip, language, showcodebuttons, tpp, ppp) VALUES ('jdoe', 'c1adfff3844f1679292835e11aa6192b', 'QjE1de2z', 'IbGEMOhcKMQinJh9PE455mTkpab3SoF1Cwv5iitJ9BSWtRwN9x', '[email protected]', '2', '1143822051', '1143822051', '0', '', '0', '', '', '', '', 'yes', 'no', 'no', 'yes', 'yes', 'no', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'no', '0', '-12', 'no', '', '0', '', '', '1', '0', '0');


Any clues on what to do?

The server is running Windows 2000 Server, MySQL 5, PHP5, Apache 2, and MyBB 1.04.



Is this fixable without having to reinstall?

I think there are problems with MySQL 5 for MyBB - I'm not sure if they've been fixed for the next version though
yes its possible to fix.

Export the MySQL database twice (second is for just in case)

then open up the gzip and edit the file in there, and change any directory paths to the new paths.