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Full Version: Any plugins that post to a thread from an RSS feed? (Possibility of payment)
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Pages: 1 2
Really need this, someone please PM me if you can do it.
I assume you mean post RSS items into a single thread? if so, i do not think so. but should not be too hard to modify rss2post to work that way.

if not, there are a couple RSS plugins that create new threads from a feed.
OK, I'd like to kindly request this plugin Smile
Not quite sure if i have it, but this?

You could work it off that.

1.4 anyways.
Did you not realize the guy above you just mentioned that? I need it to post to threads, not forums.
(2010-10-01, 08:01 PM)Uncontrol Wrote: [ -> ]Did you not realize the guy above you just mentioned that? I need it to post to threads, not forums.

Which is why i said "you could work off that".

Since most of it is already done, i would think the change needed wouldn't be too hard.
I'm sure if I knew PHP it would be very easy.

I do not know PHP, or I would not be asking.
As far as I can tell, this cannot post all of the feed to a single thread.
Still really need this :3
Pages: 1 2