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Full Version: Seems Like There Are No Themes
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hi everyone.

I successfully installed mybb 1.6 on a windows server (running WAMP 2.0) and set the permissions for all directories correctly (as per install instructions).

If i go to localhost/forum the forum loads successfully and everything looks great. However if i go to the forum on a different workstation, i can access the forums but looks like no theme is available (see attachment)

anyone have any ideas?

Can you check the access logs of apache on your server to see what status code is returned when the images are requested?
according to the access logs, its not even trying to load any of the images. all I see is

[my laptop ip] - - [05/Oct/2010:00:20:39 -0400] "GET /forum/ HTTP/1.1" 200 9600

There are no errors in the error logs.
Anyway you can open it up for public access and send me a url/IP to look at the forum?
unfortunatly not Sad
What do you get when you try to access images/css directly?

For example http://Yourserverip/forumlocation/css.php?stylesheet=1

I can't be much help without actually seeing the pages to determine the cause. It does seem however that you have a problem with loading the css since I see images getting loaded but not the css elements.

One last thing, are you sure you have set the board url to the proper ip of your server in the admincp settings?
man im an idiot,

checked admin cp and it was pointing to localhost for the board url.

thanks heaps - G33K - *thumbsup*