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Full Version: Available IF statements
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Can anyone please provide me with the available "if" statements to hide and make things available for certain categories only like
guests cannot view the replies, except the first post in a thread.

Thread view for guest:
[First post in a thread is visible for guests according to permissions]
<if uid=guest>Please register to view replies to this thread</if>
<hide the remaining replies/posts>
You can't use these in templates without the PHP in Templates plugin.
I have installed
PHP and Template Conditionals plugin which Allows you to use conditionals and PHP code in templates from

Hope the "if" statements will work.

Well, i want the list of "if" statements and if suppose i hide the content through these "if" statements, will the resource be accessible by the users if they knew the direct link?

Ex: I want to hide the "Games" menu icon using "if" statement from guests. If the guest knows the actual link to games ie; will they can access/view the games section by directing through the above link?
got answered from somewhere Smile